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Generator Details

Please enter the wattage of your generator.


Appliance Power Requirements

Please choose the appliances you want to add to your generator. Add as many as you need.
Please note: Watts of devices are approximate.

Phone Charger 5W
WiFi Router 10W
Electric Toothbrush 15W
Monitor 30W
Single Room LED Lights 60W
Laptop 100W
Fan 100W
Gaming Console 200W
Desktop Computer 200W
Food Processor 300W
Sound System 300W
TV 500W
Water Pump 500W
Dehumidifier 800W
Coffee Maker 850W
Air Conditioner 1000W
Microwave 1000W
Pressure Washer 1000W
Refrigerator 1200W
Vacuum Cleaner 1200W
Air Fryer 1500W
Kettle 1500W
Space Heater 1500W
Power Tools 1500W
Electric Shower 1800W
Electric Car Charger 2000W
Outside Oil Boiler 2500W
Electric Oven 3000W
Clothes Dryer 3000W

Added Appliances

Review your selected appliances and total power requirement.

Total Power Required: 0W


Power Calculation

Results will update automatically as you make changes